Beyond the Horizon

Advance Space Exploration


Beyond the Horizon

Advance space exploration through a stronger Planetary Society!

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We’re going beyond the horizon, will you join us?

As a supporter of The Planetary Society, you know that every success in space exploration is the result of the community of space enthusiasts, like you, who believe it is important. That means you are directly involved in making space possibilities become a reality.

And that’s why I’m seeking your participation in our Beyond the Horizon Campaign.

The Planetary Society is in the final phase of our five-year plan and we’re over 85% of the way to our overall goal of raising vital funds that will expand our core mission and strengthen the Society.

This campaign is critical to our future as the world’s leading citizen space advocacy organization and with your help, we are:

  • Supporting new science and technology.
  • Growing the Society to make our collective voice on behalf of space advocacy even stronger across the globe.
  • And we are connecting more people of all ages with the passion, beauty, and joy of space exploration.

Let’s go beyond the horizon. Let’s make new discoveries. Let’s keep going … and change the world!

Bill Nye
Bill Nye

Bill Nye
CEO, The Planetary Society

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